
The Elder Helpline: 800-963-5337 or call from any area code
at 866-467-4624
The Elder Helpline is the starting point for seeking information and assistance for older adults, persons with disabilities 18+ and their caregivers. The Elder Helpline is housed within the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), which provides information about Medicaid programs and provides access to Statewide Medicaid Managed Long Term Care Programs, as well as home and community based programs that provide in-home services to seniors and people with disabilities.
Need Assistance? Call the Elder Helpline Today! 866-467-4624

The Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly (EHEAP) is a program that provides assistance for home energy emergencies to qualified low-income households with at least one person who is 60+.
Applicant households must meet financial eligibility guidelines and have an imminent energy crisis. Referrals are filtered through the Provider Agency in each county.

The SHINE Program (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) provides Medicare and health insurance counseling from unbiased and trained volunteers.
To learn more about the SHINE program, click here.
The SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) empowers seniors to help prevent Medicare fraud.

Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Programs​
​Our Healthy Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs are delivered through our community partner, Big Bend Area Health Education Center (AHEC).
All these programs are Evidenced Based, which means they have demonstrated through evaluation to be effective in improving health and well-being or reducing disease, disability, or injury in older adults.
Our current programs focus on falls prevention, physical activity, caregiver education/support and mental health.
If you are interested in more information on any of these programs, please contact AHEC at 850-224-1177.

Elder Abuse Prevention
The Elder Abuse Prevention Program ensures that older adults, caregivers and professionals receive education and training relevant to elder rights.
This program is supported through partnerships with the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), legal services, the local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, law enforcement and numerous other victim advocate agencies.
Interested in Elder Abuse Prevention Training? Click Here >>
Suspect the exploitation, neglect or abuse of an older adult? Call 1-800-96-ABUSE or Click Here to learn how to make a anonymous report to DCF.

Home and Community Based Programs​
The majority of our in-home services and meal programs come from General Revenue and Nutrition Programs. These programs are state and federally funded.
- Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) - provides in-home services such as respite, shopping assistance, bathing, housekeeping, etc. A co-pay may be assessed based on the client's ability to pay.
- Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) - provides some in-home services but focuses primarily on providing a stipend to caregivers to assist with support and health maintenence such as housing, food, doctor visits, etc.
- Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) - provides in home services such as respite, caregiver training, transportation, etc. Clients must be 18+ and have a diagnosis of dementia or related disorder.
- Older Americans Act (OAA) - These programs provide access to supportive services, home delivered meals, congregate dining sites, Elder Abuse Prevention programming and Health and Wellness Education.

Emergency Management Services / Special Needs Shelters​
While living in Florida it is important to keep in mind severe weather hazards and potential threats. Everyone should have pre-defined emergency plans and always keep an emergency supply kit ready and stocked.
Advantage Aging Solutions partners with innovative companies to provide virtual training and support for caregivers. Whether you are a family member or a friend, you can find the resources you need to continue providing the best care for your loved one.