Better care starts with self care.
Are you a family member, friend or neighbor that helps someone with things like bathing, dressing, errands, taking medication or even getting to appointments?
If you help at all, YOU are considered an informal caregiver.
TCARE (Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral) is used as a caregiver assessment tool that focuses on the needs of the informal caregiver. Through a series of questions, we can find those areas of stress that can lead to caregiver burnout. An idividualized care plan is then created to help the caregiver manage their role and identity as a caregiver. Our staff will help you get connected to services such as support groups, counseling, caregiver support and education, financial assistance, benefits counseling and respite to reduce those stressors associated with caregiving.
How to access TCARE
To access TCARE, please fill out the form below or call the Elder Helpline at 866-467-4624 and ask to speak with a TCARE Caregiver Specialist.